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Version: v1.12.0

Developer guide

Operator SDK


NiFiKop has been validated with:

Initial setup

Checkout the project.

git clone
cd nifikop

Operator sdk

The full list of commands is available here:

Build NiFiKop

Local environment

If you prefer working directly with your local go environment you can simply uses:

make build

Run NiFiKop

We can quickly run NiFiKop in development mode (on your local host), then it will use your kubectl configuration file to connect to your kubernetes cluster.

There are several ways to execute your operator:

  • Using your IDE directly
  • Executing directly the Go binary
  • deploying using the Helm charts

If you want to configure your development IDE, you need to give it environment variables so that it will uses to connect to kubernetes.

POD_NAME={name for operator pod}

Run the Operator Locally with the Go Binary

This method can be used to run the operator locally outside of the cluster. This method may be preferred during development as it facilitates faster deployment and testing.

Set the name of the operator in an environment variable

export OPERATOR_NAME=nifi-operator

Deploy the CRDs.

kubectl apply -f config/crd/bases/nifi.konpyutaika.com_nificlusters.yaml
kubectl apply -f config/crd/bases/nifi.konpyutaika.com_nifidataflows.yaml
kubectl apply -f config/crd/bases/nifi.konpyutaika.com_nifiparametercontexts.yaml
kubectl apply -f config/crd/bases/nifi.konpyutaika.com_nifiregistryclients.yaml
kubectl apply -f config/crd/bases/nifi.konpyutaika.com_nifiusergroups.yaml
kubectl apply -f config/crd/bases/nifi.konpyutaika.com_nifiusers.yaml

And deploy the operator.

make run

This will run the operator in the default namespace using the default Kubernetes config file at $HOME/.kube/config.

Deploy using the Helm Charts

This section provides an instructions for running the operator Helm charts with an image that is built from the local branch.

Build the image from the current branch.

export DOCKER_REGISTRY_BASE={your-docker-repo}
make docker-build

Push the image to docker hub (or to whichever repo you want to use)

$ make docker-push

The image tag is a combination of the version as defined in verion/version.go and the branch name.

Install the Helm chart.

helm install skeleton ./helm/nifikop \
--set image.tag=v0.5.1-release \

The image.repository and image.tag template variables have to match the names from the image that we pushed in the previous step.


We set the chart name to the branch, but it can be anything.

Lastly, verify that the operator is running.

$ kubectl get pods -n nifikop
skeleton-nifikop-8946b89dc-4cfs9 1/1 Running 0 7m45s


The NiFiKop operator is released in the konpyutaika-incubator helm repository.

In order to package the chart you need to run the following command.

make helm-package