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Version: v1.12.0

Read only configurations

ReadOnlyConfig object specifies the read-only type Nifi config cluster wide, all theses will be merged with node specified readOnly configurations, so it can be overwritten per node.

# MaximumTimerDrivenThreadCount define the maximum number of threads for timer driven processors available to the system.
maximumTimerDrivenThreadCount: 30
# MaximumEventDrivenThreadCount define the maximum number of threads for event driven processors available to the system (@DEPRECATED. This has no effect from NiFiKOp v1.9.0 or later).
maximumEventDrivenThreadCount: 10
# Logback configuration that will be applied to the node
# logback.xml configuration that will replace the one produced based on template
# The key of the value,in data content, that we want use.
data: logback.xml
# Name of the configmap that we want to refer.
name: raw
# Namespace where is located the secret that we want to refer.
namespace: nifikop
# logback.xml configuration that will replace the one produced based on template and overrideConfigMap
# The key of the value,in data content, that we want use.
data: logback.xml
# Name of the configmap that we want to refer.
name: raw
# Namespace where is located the secret that we want to refer.
namespace: nifikop
# Authorizer configuration that will be applied to the node
# An authorizers.xml configuration template that will replace the default template seen in authorizers.go
# The key of the value, in data content, that we want use.
data: authorizers.xml
# Name of the configmap that we want to refer.
name: raw
# Namespace where is located the secret that we want to refer.
namespace: nifikop
# An authorizers.xml configuration template that will replace the default template seen in authorizers.go and the replaceTemplateConfigMap
# The key of the value,in data content, that we want use.
data: authorizers.xml
# Name of the configmap that we want to refer.
name: raw
# Namespace where is located the secret that we want to refer.
namespace: nifikop
# NifiProperties configuration that will be applied to the node.
# Additionnal configuration that will override the one produced based on template and
# configuration
# The key of the value,in data content, that we want use.
# Name of the configmap that we want to refer.
name: raw
# Namespace where is located the secret that we want to refer.
namespace: nifikop.
# Additionnal configuration that will override the one produced based
# on template, configurations, overrideConfigMap and overrideConfigs.
# The key of the value,in data content, that we want use.
# Name of the configmap that we want to refer.
name: raw
# Namespace where is located the secret that we want to refer.
namespace: nifikop
# Additionnal configuration that will override the one produced based
# on template, configurations and overrideConfigMap
overrideConfigs: |
# A comma separated list of allowed HTTP Host header values to consider when NiFi
# is running securely and will be receiving requests to a different host[:port] than it is bound to.
# webProxyHosts:
# Nifi security client auth
needClientAuth: false
# Indicates which of the configured authorizers in the authorizers.xml file to use
# authorizer:
# ZookeeperProperties configuration that will be applied to the node.
# # Additionnal configuration that will override the one produced based on template and
# # configuration
# overrideConfigMap:
# # The key of the value,in data content, that we want use.
# data:
# # Name of the configmap that we want to refer.
# name: raw
# # Namespace where is located the secret that we want to refer.
# namespace: nifikop.
# # Additionnal configuration that will override the one produced based
# # on template, configurations, overrideConfigMap and overrideConfigs.
# overrideSecretConfig:
# # The key of the value,in data content, that we want use.
# data:
# # Name of the configmap that we want to refer.
# name: raw
# # Namespace where is located the secret that we want to refer.
# namespace: nifikop
# Additionnal configuration that will override the one produced based
# on template and configurations.
overrideConfigs: |
# BootstrapProperties configuration that will be applied to the node.
# # Additionnal bootstrap.conf configuration that will override the one produced based on template and
# # configuration
# overrideConfigMap:
# # The key of the value,in data content, that we want use.
# data: bootstrap.conf
# # Name of the configmap that we want to refer.
# name: raw
# # Namespace where is located the secret that we want to refer.
# namespace: nifikop.
# # Additionnal bootstrap.conf configuration that will override the one produced based
# # on template, configurations, overrideConfigMap and overrideConfigs.
# overrideSecretConfig:
# # The key of the value,in data content, that we want use.
# data: bootstrap.conf
# # Name of the configmap that we want to refer.
# name: raw
# # Namespace where is located the secret that we want to refer.
# namespace: nifikop
# JVM memory settings
nifiJvmMemory: "512m"
# Additionnal bootstrap.conf configuration that will override the one produced based
# on template and configurations.
overrideConfigs: |


maximumTimerDrivenThreadCountint32define the maximum number of threads for timer driven processors available to the system.No10
maximumEventDrivenThreadCountint32define the maximum number of threads for event driven processors available to the system (@DEPRECATED. This has no effect from NiFiKOp v1.9.0 or later).No1
additionalSharedEnvs[ ]corev1.EnvVardefine a set of additional env variables that will shared between all init containers and containers in the pod.No[ ]
additionalNifiEnvs[ ]corev1.EnvVardefine a set of additional env variables that will only be embed in the nifi container.No[ ] configuration that will be applied to the node.Nonil configuration that will be applied to the node.Nonil
bootstrapPropertiesBootstrapPropertiesbootstrap.conf configuration that will be applied to the node.Nonil
logbackConfigLogbackConfiglogback.xml configuration that will be applied to the node.Nonil
authorizerConfigAuthorizerConfigauthorizers.xml configuration template that will be applied to the node.Nonil
bootstrapNotificationServicesConfigBootstrapNotificationServicesbootstrap_notification_services.xml configuration that will be applied to the node.Nonil


overrideConfigMapConfigmapReferenceAdditionnal configuration that will override the one produced based on template and configuration.Nonil
overrideConfigsstringAdditionnal configuration that will override the one produced based on template, configurations and overrideConfigMap.No""
overrideSecretConfigSecretConfigReferenceAdditionnal configuration that will override the one produced based on template, configurations, overrideConfigMap and overrideConfigs.Nonil
webProxyHosts[ ]stringA list of allowed HTTP Host header values to consider when NiFi is running securely and will be receiving requests to a different host[:port] than it is bound to. web-propertiesNo""
needClientAuthbooleanNifi security client auth.Nofalse
authorizerstringIndicates which of the configured authorizers in the authorizers.xml file to use authorizer-configurationNo"managed-authorizer"


overrideConfigMapConfigmapReferenceAdditionnal configuration that will override the one produced based on template and configuration.Nonil
overrideConfigsstringAdditionnal configuration that will override the one produced based on template, configurations and overrideConfigMap.No""
overrideSecretConfigSecretConfigReferenceAdditionnal configuration that will override the one produced based on template, configurations, overrideConfigMap and overrideConfigs.Nonil


overrideConfigMapConfigmapReferenceAdditionnal bootstrap.conf configuration that will override the one produced based on template and configuration.Nonil
overrideConfigsstringAdditionnal bootstrap.conf configuration that will override the one produced based on template, configurations and overrideConfigMap.No""
overrideSecretConfigSecretConfigReferenceAdditionnal bootstrap.conf configuration that will override the one produced based on template, configurations, overrideConfigMap and overrideConfigs.Nonil
NifiJvmMemorystringJVM memory settings.No"512m"


replaceConfigMapConfigmapReferencelogback.xml configuration that will replace the one produced based on template.Nonil
replaceSecretConfigSecretConfigReferencelogback.xml configuration that will replace the one produced based on template and overrideConfigMap.Nonil


replaceTemplateConfigMapConfigmapReferenceauthorizers.xml configuration template that will replace the default template.Nonil
replaceTemplateSecretConfigSecretConfigReferenceauthorizers.xml configuration that will replace the default template and the replaceTemplateConfigMap.Nonil


replaceConfigMapConfigmapReferencebootstrap_notifications_services.xml configuration that will replace the one produced based on template.Nonil
replaceSecretConfigSecretConfigReferencebootstrap_notifications_services.xml configuration that will replace the one produced based on template and overrideConfigMap.Nonil


namestringName of the configmap that we want to refer.Yes""
namespacestringNamespace where is located the configmap that we want to refer.No""
datastringThe key of the value,in data content, that we want use.Yes""


namestringName of the secret that we want to refer.Yes""
namespacestringNamespace where is located the secret that we want to refer.No""
datastringThe key of the value,in data content, that we want use.Yes""