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Version: v1.12.0

Node state

Holds information about nifi state


gracefulActionStateGracefulActionStateholds info about nifi cluster action status.--
configurationStateConfigurationStateholds info about the config.--
initClusterNodeInitClusterNodecontains if this nodes was part of the initial cluster.--
podIsReadyboolTrue if the pod for this node is up and running. Otherwise false.--
creationTimev1.TimeThe time at which this node was created and added to the cluster--


errorMessagestringholds the information what happened with Nifi Cluster.-""
actionStepActionStepholds info about the action step ran.Nonil
taskStartedstringhold the time when the execution started.No""
actionStateStateholds the information about Action state.Nonil


ConfigInSyncConfigInSyncstates that the generated nodeConfig is in sync with the Node
ConfigOutOfSyncConfigOutOfSyncstates that the generated nodeConfig is out of sync with the Node


IsInitClusterNodetruestates the node is part of initial cluster setup
NotInitClusterNodefalsestates the node is not part of initial cluster setup



GracefulUpscaleRequiredGracefulUpscaleRequiredstates that a node upscale is required.
GracefulUpscaleRunningGracefulUpscaleRunningstates that the node upscale task is still running.
GracefulUpscaleSucceededGracefulUpscaleSucceededstates the node is updated gracefully.


GracefulDownscaleRequiredGracefulDownscaleRequiredstates that a node downscale is required
GracefulDownscaleRunningGracefulDownscaleRunningstates that the node downscale is still running in
GracefulUpscaleSucceededGracefulUpscaleSucceededstates the node is updated gracefully


DisconnectNodeActionDISCONNECTINGstates that the NiFi node is disconnecting from NiFi Cluster.
DisconnectStatusDISCONNECTEDstates that the NiFi node is disconnected from NiFi Cluster.
OffloadNodeActionOFFLOADINGstates that the NiFi node is offloading data to NiFi Cluster.
OffloadStatusOFFLOADEDstates that the NiFi node offloaded data to NiFi Cluster.
RemovePodActionPOD_REMOVINGstates that the NiFi node pod and object related are removing by operator.
RemovePodStatusPOD_REMOVEDstates that the NiFi node pod and object related have been removed by operator.
RemoveNodeActionREMOVINGstates that the NiFi node is removing from NiFi Cluster.
RemoveStatusREMOVEDstates that the NiFi node is removed from NiFi Cluster.
ConnectNodeActionCONNECTINGstates that the NiFi node is connecting to the NiFi Cluster.
ConnectStatusCONNECTEDstates that the NiFi node is connected to the NiFi Cluster.