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Version: v1.12.0

Listeners Config

ListenersConfig defines the Nifi listener types:

- type: "https"
name: "https"
containerPort: 8443
- type: "cluster"
name: "cluster"
containerPort: 6007
- type: "s2s"
name: "s2s"
containerPort: 10000
- type: "prometheus"
name: "prometheus"
containerPort: 9090
- type: "load-balance"
name: "load-balance"
containerPort: 6342
- name: "my-custom-listener-port"
containerPort: 1234
protocol: "TCP"
tlsSecretName: "test-nifikop"
create: true


internalListeners[ ]InternalListenerspecifies settings required to access nifi internally.Yes-
sslSecretsSSLSecretscontains information about ssl related kubernetes secrets if one of the listener setting type set to ssl these fields must be populated to.Yesnil
clusterDomainstringallow to override the default cluster domain which is "cluster.local".Yescluster.local
useExternalDNSstringallow to manage externalDNS usage by limiting the DNS names associated to each nodes and load balancer: <cluster-name>-node-<node Id>.<cluster-name>.<service name>.<cluster domain>Yesfalse


typeenumload-balanceallow to specify if we are in a specific nifi listener it's allowing to define some required information such as Cluster Port, Http Port, Https Port, S2S, Load Balance port, or Prometheus portYes-
namestringan identifier for the port which will be configured.Yes-
containerPortint32the containerPort.Yes-
protocolProtocolthe network protocol for this listener. Must be one of the protocol enum values (i.e. TCP, UDP, SCTP).NoTCP


tlsSecretNamestringshould contain all ssl certs required by nifi including: caCert, caKey, clientCert, clientKey serverCert, serverKey, peerCert, peerKey.Yes-
createbooleantells the installed cert manager to create the required certs keys.Yes-
clusterScopedbooleandefines if the Issuer created is cluster or namespace scoped.Yes-
issuerRefObjectReferenceIssuerRef allow to use an existing issuer to act as CA: